Job Alerts

Email alerts

Sign up for vacancy alerts and we will send you an email as soon as your ideal job is posted online, together with details of how to apply.

The Royal Ballet and Opera is committed to protecting your personal data. It's your data, it's personal, and we respect that. We also want to maintain the trust and confidence of every one of our job applicants. Please read the Royal Ballet and Opera Recruitment Privacy Statement here for more information on how we handle your personal data.

By signing up to the email alert service you agree that we can keep your details on file and contact you about careers at the Royal Ballet and Opera.

If you are already signed up for Royal Ballet and Opera vacancy email alerts, sign in here to edit your profile.

Fields marked with * must be completed.

You will use your email address as your username when you log in to view this application.

Your password must be six or more characters long and contain letters and at least one number.

You will need your password to log back on and to change your details.

Please select one or more job areas which you are interested in.
Marketing and Sales
Apprenticeship Scheme
Arts Admin
Box Office
Communications and External Affairs
Costume Making
Costume Performance Support
Development and Advocacy
Digital Products
Dye Shop
Estates and Facilities
Front of House
General Admin roles
Health and Safety
Human Resources
IT Services and Infrastructure
Learning and Participation
Legal and Business Affairs
Millinery and Jewellery
Production Management
RBO Studios, Film & Broadcast and Digital Content
Royal Ballet
Royal Opera
Scenic Construction
Scenic Painting
Sound and Broadcast
Stage Management
Technical Management
Technology Programme Management
Wigs and Make Up

If you are also interested in signing up for email alerts for First Stage Work Experience placements please click here.

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